Saturday, October 27, 2012

Here we are just days from the election and candidates have ramped things up and some continue to play dirty.  I really think that it is not necessary.  Simply tell us what you will do and don't throw digs at the opponent.  It may be naieve for me to think that this is possible.  All that can be said about Christians voting is to vote your beliefs and faith.  There are things that scripture tells us are wrong and if any candidate chooses to stand for those wrong things then vote for another.

We should all be mourning the passing of our Ambassador to Libya and the brave men who died with him.  That attack was an attack on US soil and should have been treated as such.  If we choose not to act then that leaves the enemy much bolder to do it in other places.  I pray Lord that you would take care of those brave Americans families and may you continue to bless the USA.
In Christian Love,


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Here we are, smack in the middle of the pre-election flurry of advertisements on television.  Each candidate attacking others with half-truths and out and out made up information.  Once again this is a reminder to vote as your faith and heart tells you in compliance with Scripture.

Never before in the history of our country has our faith in Jesus Christ been attacked so often and so hard.  It seems that everyone wants tolerance and the folks that speak the loudest are the least tolerant with the followers of Jesus Christ.  This election is going to be the most important of most of our lives.

In a country and world where Islam is the fastest growing religion and their efforts to get Sharia law in the US, which by the way, the justice system has already settled cases based on it.  We need to stop this and preserve the Republic that our forefathers placed in existence.  The more we sit back and do nothing, the more liberties we lose.  Keep in mind, prayer being taken out of schools was the result of one persons fight while Christians sat back and allowed it to happen.

If I sound as though this message is urgent, it is.  Please help preserve our Country as we know and love it or we won't even recognize it in the future. 

Praise our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

With all the politics going on in advance of the Presidential elections, we need to remember to vote with scripture in mind.  There are many people running for office and referendums to be voted on.  Many of them will try and get the evangelical christian vote but they may have policies that are the furthest thing from right.  For example they can say that they are Christian, like our President, but is only a christian when it benefits him.  They can say they are pro-life but their records may show something totally different.  Please remember to check all of their stand and draw your line in the sand.  If they go over it don't vote for them.  I mentioned the President and that is not for any political reason.  He is simply used as an example of most politicians.  Sola Scriptura needs to be the best way to choose whom you vote for..  <><

Monday, April 30, 2012

Not For Sale

This book and organization expose the awful slavery that is present in the world.  We all hear of it in other countries but it is unfortunately alive and well right here in the United States.  The only way this is to be stopped in our world is to be aware and to pray for all of the people and organizations that are fighting it.  You can google "Not for sale" and get connected.  It will turn your stomach when you see just who these people are.  Many are just children.  Please check it out and get involved.